American XL Bully Stud Ch. Kronos is a Champion in UKC and one win away from ABKC Ch. One of the BEST XL Grand Champion Dually sons. Proven sire that passes on his signature blocky head and short muzzle. Kind, sweet tempered and extremely loyal.
Personality: Moderate/High energy drive while being very calm and focused. Nothing seems to bother this boy when we are out and about. Friendly with all animals including other male dogs at dog show competitions. Focused when handling. Loves his ball more than anything. Does not eat or chase chickens. He’s a true Black Brindle XL American Bully that can sire Tri, chocolate, black, fawn, brindle and trindle puppies.
By ABKC Grand Champion Dually out of BSK Rocher by Bossy’s Blackmail. This boy boasts two Grand Champion dogs in his pedigree. American XL Bully Stud Ch Kronos is one nice boy.